📚 clîr - Awesome Go Library for Command Line

Go Gopher mascot for clîr

A Simple and Clear CLI library. Dependency free.

🏷️ Command Line
📂 Libraries for building standard or basic Command Line applications.
177 stars
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Detailed Description of clîr

A Simple and Clear CLI library. Dependency free.

Awesome CodeFactor


  • Nested Subcommands
  • Uses the standard library flag package
  • Struct based flags
  • Positional Args
  • Auto-generated help
  • Custom banners
  • Hidden Subcommands
  • Default Subcommand
  • Dependency free


package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create new cli
	cli := clir.NewCli("Flags", "A simple example", "v0.0.1")

	// Name
	name := "Anonymous"
	cli.StringFlag("name", "Your name", &name)

	// Define action for the command
	cli.Action(func() error {
		fmt.Printf("Hello %s!\n", name)
		return nil

	if err := cli.Run(); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error encountered: %v\n", err)

Generated Help

$ flags --help
Flags v0.0.1 - A simple example


        Get help on the 'flags' command.
  -name string
        Your name


The main documentation may be found here.

License Status

FOSSA Status