📚 dsc - Awesome Go Library for Database Drivers

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Datastore connectivity for SQL, NoSQL, structured files.

🏷️ Database Drivers
📂 Libraries for building and using SQL.
33 stars
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Detailed Description of dsc

Datastore Connectivity (dsc)

Datastore Connectivity library for Go. GoDoc

This library is compatible with Go 1.10+

Please refer to CHANGELOG.md if you encounter breaking changes.


This library was developed as part of dsunit (Datastore unit testibility library) to provide unified access to SQL, noSQL, or any other store that deals with structured data in SQL-ish way.


The following is a very simple example of CRUD operations with dsc

package main

import (

func main() {

	config := dsc.NewConfig("mysql", "[user]:[password]@[url]", "user:root,password:dev,url:tcp(")
	factory := NewManagerFactory()
	manager, err := factory.Create(config)
    if err != nil {

    // manager := factory.CreateFromURL("file:///etc/myapp/datastore.json")
    interest := Interest{}
    success, err:= manager.ReadSingle(&interest, "SELECT id, name, expiry, category FROM interests WHERE id = ?", []interface{}{id},nil)
	if err != nil {

    var interests = make([]Interest, 0)
    err:= manager.ReadAll(&interests, "SELECT id, name, expiry, category FROM interests", nil ,nil)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("all interests: %v\n", interests)

    interests = []Interest {
        Interest{Name:"Abc", ExpiryTimeInSecond:3600, Category:"xyz"},
        Interest{Name:"Def", ExpiryTimeInSecond:3600, Category:"xyz"},
        Interest{Id:20, Name:"Ghi", ExpiryTimeInSecond:3600, Category:"xyz"},

	inserted, updated, err:= manager.PersistAll(&interests, "interests", nil)
	if err != nil {
    deleted, err := manager.DeleteAll(&interests, "interests", nil)
    if err != nil {
 	fmt.Printf("Inserted %v, updated: %v, deleted: %v\n", inserted, updated, deleted)

More examples illustrating the use of the API are located in the examples directory.

Details about the API are available in the docs directory.


Go version v1.5+ is required.

To install the latest stable version of Go, visit http://golang.org/dl/



  1. Install Go 1.5+ and setup your environment as Documented here.
  2. Get the client in your GOPATH : go get github.com/viant/dsc
  • To update the client library: go get -u github.com/viant/dsc

Some Hints:

  • To run a go program directly: go run <filename.go>
  • to build: go build -o <output> <filename.go>

API Documentation

API documentation is available in the docs directory.


This library is packaged with a number of tests. Tests require Testify library.

Before running the tests, you need to update the dependencies:

$ go get .

To run all the test cases with race detection:

$ go test


A simple CRUD applications is provided in the examples directory.




The source code is made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2, as stated in the file LICENSE.

Individual files may be made available under their own specific license, all compatible with Apache License, Version 2. Please see individual files for details.

Credits and Acknowledgements

Library Author: Adrian Witas

Contributors: Sudhakaran Dharmaraj