📚 forestdb - Awesome Go Library for Database Drivers

Go Gopher mascot for forestdb

Go bindings for ForestDB.

🏷️ Database Drivers
📂 Libraries for building and using SQL.
37 stars
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Detailed Description of forestdb


Go bindings for ForestDB


  1. Obtain and build forestdb: https://github.com/couchbaselabs/forestdb (run make install to install the library)
  2. Install header files to system location
  3. On Ubuntu 14.04: cd <forestdb_project_dir> && mkdir /usr/local/include/libforestdb && cp include/libforestdb/* /usr/local/include/libforestdb
  4. go get -u -v -t github.com/couchbase/goforestdb


See godocs

Sample usage (without proper error handling):

// Open a database
db, _ := Open("test", nil)

// Close it properly when we're done
defer db.Close()

// Store the document
doc, _ := NewDoc([]byte("key"), nil, []byte("value"))
defer doc.Close()

// Lookup the document
doc2, _ := NewDoc([]byte("key"), nil, nil)
defer doc2.Close()

// Delete the document
doc3, _ := NewDoc([]byte("key"), nil, nil)
defer doc3.Close()