šŸ“š ghokin - Awesome Go Library for Utilities

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Parallelized formatter with no external dependencies for gherkin (cucumber, behat...).

šŸ·ļø Utilities
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Detailed Description of ghokin

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Ghokin format and apply transformation on gherkin files.


Download the latest binary for your achitecture here.

If you can't find a binary for your architecture, install the go toolchain, clone the repository and run : go install ..


Clean and/or apply transformation on gherkin files

  ghokin [command]

Available Commands:
  check       Check a file/folder is well formatted
  fmt         Format a feature file/folder
  help        Help about any command

      --config string   config file
  -h, --help            help for ghokin

Use "ghokin [command] --help" for more information about a command.

āš ļø Ghokin works only on UTF-8 encoded files, it will detect and convert automatically files that are not encoded in this charset.

fmt stdout

Dump stdin or a feature file formatted on stdout

ghokin fmt stdout features/test.feature


cat features/test.feature|ghokin fmt stdout

fmt replace

Format and replace a file or all files in a directory

ghokin fmt replace features/test.feature


ghokin fmt replace features/


Ensure a file or all files in a directory are well formatted, exit with an error code otherwise

ghokin check features/test.feature


ghokin check features/


Shell commands

You can run shell commands from within your feature file to transform some datas with annotations, to do so you need first to define in the config an alias and afterwards you can simply "comment" the line before the line you want to transform with that alias. For instance let say @json calls behind the curtain jq, we could validate and format some json in our feature like so :

Feature: A Feature

  Scenario: A scenario to test
    Given a thing
    # @json
      "test": "test"


Defaut config is to use 2 spaces for indentation.

It's possible to override configuration by defining a .ghokin.yml file in the home directory or in the current directory where we are running the binary from :

indent: 2
  json: "jq ."

Aliases key defined shell commands callable in comments as we discussed earlier.

It's possible to use environments variables instead of a static config file :

export GHOKIN_ALIASES='{"json":"jq ."}'


If you want to add a new feature to ghokin project, the best way is to open a ticket first to know exactly how to implement your changes in code.


After cloning the repository you need to install vendors with go mod vendor To test your changes locally you can run go tests with : make test-all