📚 go-anytime - Awesome Go Library for Date and Time
Parse dates/times like "next dec 22nd at 3pm" and ranges like "from today until next thursday" without knowing the format in advance.
🏷️ Date and Time
📂 Libraries for working with dates and times.
⭐ 20 stars
Detailed Description of go-anytime
Go Anytime
Natural date time parsing for Go. This package was originally forked from github.com/tj/go-naturaldate but has diverged so much that it needed a new name to avoid confusion. Here are the largest differences:
- The
module is written in terms of the github.com/ijt/goparsify parser combinator module, rather than the github.com/pointlander/peg parsing module. That made its development and debugging easier, and also means that its parsers can be use within other parsers that useijt/goparsify
. - Ranges can be parsed using
, for example"from 3 feb 2022 until 6 oct 2022"
. - Dates/times and ranges can be replaced in strings using the funcs
, andReplaceDateRangesByFunc
. - Strings can be partitioned into time and non-time parts using the funcs
Here are some examples of expressions that can be parsed by anytime.Parse()
or anytime.Parser
- now
- today
- yesterday
- 5 minutes ago
- three days ago
- last month
- next month
- one year from now
- yesterday at 10am
- last sunday at 5:30pm
- next sunday at 22:45
- next January
- last February
- next December 25th at 7:30am
- next December 25th at 7:30am UTC-7
- November 3rd, 1986 at 4:30pm
- january 2017
- january, 2017
- oct 7, 1970
- oct 7 1970
- 7 oct 1970
- 7 oct, 1970
- September 17, 2012 UTC+7
- September 17, 2012
- 03 February 2013
- 2 July 2013
- 2014/3/31
- 2014/3/31 UTC
- 2014/3/31 UTC+1
- 2014/03/31
- 2014/03/31 UTC-1
- 2014-04-26
- 2014-4-26
- 2014-4-6
- 31/3/2014 UTC-8
- 31-3-2014 UTC-8
- 31/3/2014
- 31-3-2014
- January
- december 20
- thursday at 23:59
- See the tests for more examples
Range examples
Here are some examples of expressions that can be parsed by anytime.ParseRange()
or anytime.RangeParser
- from 3 feb 2022 to 6 oct 2022
- 3 feb 2022 to 6 oct 2022
- from 3 feb 2022 until 6 oct 2022
- from tuesday at 5pm -12:00 until thursday 23:52 +14:00
- last year
- today
- next week