📚 go-httpheader - Awesome Go Library for Utilities

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Go library for encoding structs into Header fields.

🏷️ Utilities
📂 General utilities and tools to make your life easier.
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Detailed Description of go-httpheader


go-httpheader is a Go library for encoding structs into Header fields.

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go get github.com/mozillazg/go-httpheader


package main

import (


type Options struct {
	hide         string
	ContentType  string `header:"Content-Type"`
	Length       int
	XArray       []string `header:"X-Array"`
	TestHide     string   `header:"-"`
	IgnoreEmpty  string   `header:"X-Empty,omitempty"`
	IgnoreEmptyN string   `header:"X-Empty-N,omitempty"`
	CustomHeader http.Header

func main() {
	opt := Options{
		hide:         "hide",
		ContentType:  "application/json",
		Length:       2,
		XArray:       []string{"test1", "test2"},
		TestHide:     "hide",
		IgnoreEmptyN: "n",
		CustomHeader: http.Header{
			"X-Test-1": []string{"233"},
			"X-Test-2": []string{"666"},
	h, _ := httpheader.Header(opt)
	fmt.Printf("%#v", h)
	// h:
	// http.Header{
	//	"X-Test-1":     []string{"233"},
	//	"X-Test-2":     []string{"666"},
	//	"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
	//	"Length":       []string{"2"},
	//	"X-Array":      []string{"test1", "test2"},
	//	"X-Empty-N":    []string{"n"},
	// }
	// decode
	var decode Options
	httpheader.Decode(h, &decode)