📚 gocryforhelp - Awesome Go Library for Websites
Collection of Go projects that needs help. Good place to start your open-source way in Go.
🏷️ Websites
📂 Other
⭐ 41 stars
Detailed Description of gocryforhelp
List of opensource projects looking for help
- CMS, blog engines, etc
- GUI && Widgets packages and toolchains
- Telegram bots && API
- Web frameworks
- Programming languages
- blackbox - a KISSed blog engine
- go-starter-kit - Golang isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules starter kit
GUI, Widgets
- go-wde - (W)indows, (d)rawing and (e)vents for Go. Fork of go.wde
- go.uik - A concurrent UI kit written in pure go. Fork of go.uik
Telegram bots
- nagtlg - Telegram bot for Nagios and Livestatus
- bot-api/telegram - Implementation of the telegram bot API with net/context and middlewares
- HentaiDB - Telegram bot for searching content in popular repositories and tools for his work
Web frameworks
- gramework - One of the fastest framework written in Go, while respecting the licenses. Bringing convenient, useful high performance battle-tested solutions to opensource. (telegram chat)
Programming languages
- Goodlang - Golang fork (telegram chat)