📚 gothanks - Awesome Go Library for Go Tools

Go Gopher mascot for gothanks

GoThanks automatically stars your go.mod github dependencies, sending this way some love to their maintainers.

🏷️ Go Tools
📂 Plugin for text editors and IDEs.
124 stars
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Detailed Description of gothanks

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Give thanks (in the form of a GitHub ★) to your fellow Go modules maintainers.


GoThanks performs the following operations

  • Sends a star to Go's repo (github.com/golang.go)
  • Reads your go.mod file and sends a star to every Github repository that your app/library depends on

This is a simple way to say thanks to the maintainers of the modules you use and the contributors of Go itself.


GoThanks is a Go port of symfony/thanks implemented by Nicolas Grekas (nicolas-grekas) for PHP.

Original idea by Doug Tangren (softprops) for Rust.


$ go get -u github.com/psampaz/gothanks


In order to run GoThanks you need to have a valid Github Access Token with public_repo scope.

You can pass the token as an argument to GoThanks or store it in an environmental variable named GITHUB_TOKEN.

Inside the folder where your go.mod lives run:

$ ./gothanks -github-token=xxxxxx


$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxx
$ ./gothanks



docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home psampaz/gothanks:latest -github-token=xxxxxx


docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home --env GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxx psampaz/gothanks:latest


$ ./gothanks
Welcome to GoThanks :)

You are about to star you beloved dependencies.

Press y to continue or n to abort

Sending your love..

Repository github.com/golang/go is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/net is already starred!
Sending a star to github.com/google/go-github
Sending a star to github.com/stretchr/testify
Sending a star to github.com/sirupsen/logrus

Thank you!

You can also run it on non-interactive environments using -y flag.

$ ./gothanks -y
Welcome to GoThanks :)

Sending your love..

Repository github.com/golang/go is already starred!
Repository github.com/google/go-github is already starred!
Repository github.com/sirkon/goproxy is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/crypto is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/net is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/oauth2 is already starred!

Thank you!