📚 gothanks - Awesome Go Library for Go Tools
GoThanks automatically stars your go.mod github dependencies, sending this way some love to their maintainers.
Detailed Description of gothanks
Give thanks (in the form of a GitHub ★) to your fellow Go modules maintainers.
GoThanks performs the following operations
- Sends a star to Go's repo (github.com/golang.go)
- Reads your go.mod file and sends a star to every Github repository that your app/library depends on
This is a simple way to say thanks to the maintainers of the modules you use and the contributors of Go itself.
GoThanks is a Go port of symfony/thanks implemented by Nicolas Grekas (nicolas-grekas) for PHP.
Original idea by Doug Tangren (softprops) for Rust.
$ go get -u github.com/psampaz/gothanks
In order to run GoThanks you need to have a valid Github Access Token with public_repo
You can pass the token as an argument to GoThanks or store it in an environmental variable named GITHUB_TOKEN.
Inside the folder where your go.mod lives run:
$ ./gothanks -github-token=xxxxxx
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxx
$ ./gothanks
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home psampaz/gothanks:latest -github-token=xxxxxx
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home --env GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxx psampaz/gothanks:latest
$ ./gothanks
Welcome to GoThanks :)
You are about to star you beloved dependencies.
Press y to continue or n to abort
Sending your love..
Repository github.com/golang/go is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/net is already starred!
Sending a star to github.com/google/go-github
Sending a star to github.com/stretchr/testify
Sending a star to github.com/sirupsen/logrus
Thank you!
You can also run it on non-interactive environments using -y
$ ./gothanks -y
Welcome to GoThanks :)
Sending your love..
Repository github.com/golang/go is already starred!
Repository github.com/google/go-github is already starred!
Repository github.com/sirkon/goproxy is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/crypto is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/net is already starred!
Repository github.com/golang/oauth2 is already starred!
Thank you!