📚 grapes - Awesome Go Library for Software Packages

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Lightweight tool designed to distribute commands over ssh with ease.

🏷️ Software Packages
📂 Software written in Go.
167 stars
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Detailed Description of grapes

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grapes is lightweight tool designed to distribute commands over ssh with ease.

Update (25/04/2019)

Handshake validation is now in place in order to fix CVE-2017-3204, The validation will use the built-in fingerprint list ~/.ssh/known_hosts as default.

In order to add your ssh server fingerprint to known_hosts run the following:

$ ssh-keyscan -H YOURHOST.COM >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Run with docker

docker run -v ~/.grapes.yml:/root/.grapes.yml -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa -it docker.pkg.github.com/yaronsumel/grapes/grapes:0.3.0


Run (golang v1.10+ required):

$ export GO111MODULE=on; go get -u github.com/yaronsumel/grapes



$ grapes -c config.yml -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -s prod -cmd whats_up --async
  • use the --help flag for full usage output.


config structure (YAML):

version: 1
 prod :
     - name : "prod server #1"
       host : "prod.example.com:22"
       user : "ubuntu"
 staging :
     - name : "staging server #1"
       host : "staging.example.com:22"
       user : "ubuntu"
     - name : "staging server #2"
       host : "staging.example.com:23"
       user : "ubuntu"
 whats_up :
     - "ls -al /tmp"
     - "date"
 date :
     - "date"
Written and Maintained by @YaronSumel