📚 mlog - Awesome Go Library for Logging

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Simple logging module for go, with 5 levels, an optional rotating logfile feature and stdout/stderr output.

🏷️ Logging
📂 Libraries for generating and working with log files.
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Detailed Description of mlog

A simple logging module for go, with a rotating file feature and console logging.


go get github.com/jbrodriguez/mlog


Sample usage

Write to stdout/stderr and create a rotating logfile

package main

import "github.com/jbrodriguez/mlog"

func main() {
	mlog.Start(mlog.LevelInfo, "app.log")

	mlog.Info("Hello World !")

	ipsum := "ipsum"
	mlog.Warning("Lorem %s", ipsum)

Write to stdout/stderr only

package main

import "github.com/jbrodriguez/mlog"

func main() {
	mlog.Start(mlog.LevelInfo, "")

	mlog.Info("Hello World !")

	ipsum := "ipsum"
	mlog.Warning("Lorem %s", ipsum)

By default, the log will be rolled over to a backup file when its size reaches 10Mb and 10 such files will be created (and eventually reused).

Alternatively, you can specify the max size of the log file before it gets rotated, and the number of backup files you want to create, with the StartEx function.

package main

import "github.com/jbrodriguez/mlog"

func main() {
    mlog.StartEx(mlog.LevelInfo, "app.log", 5*1024*1024, 5)

    mlog.Info("Hello World !")

    ipsum := "ipsum"
    mlog.Warning("Lorem %s", ipsum)

This will rotate the file when it reaches 5Mb and 5 backup files will eventually be created.

Setting logger flags:

mlog.DefaultFlags = log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lmicroseconds|log.Lshortfile


I: 2015/05/15 07:09:45 main.go:10: Hello World !
W: 2015/05/15 07:09:45 main.go:13: Lorem ipsum