📚 mpo - Awesome Go Library for Images
Decoder and conversion tool for MPO 3D Photos.
🏷️ Images
📂 Libraries for manipulating images.
⭐ 17 stars
Detailed Description of mpo
MPO Decoder Library
Simple Go JPEG MPO (Multi Picture Object) Decoder - Library and CLI Tool
The library and CLI tool contain the ability to convert MPO to Stereoscopic JPEG as well as various color combinations of Analglyph.
A Web UI for this library exists here:
Install CLI Tool
Binaries are availible for Darwin (macOS), Linux and Windows on the release page:
From Source
go install github.com/donatj/mpo/cmd/mpo2img@latest
CLI Usage
usage: mpo2img <mpofile>
-format string
Output format [stereo|red-cyan|cyan-red|red-green|green-red] (default "stereo")
Displays this text
-outfile string
Output filename (default "output.jpg")
- Optimization
- Add Writer
- Add more control over stereo/anaglyph