📚 uitable - Awesome Go Library for Command Line
Library to improve readability in terminal apps using tabular data.
🏷️ Command Line
📂 Libraries for building Console Applications and Console User Interfaces.
⭐ 735 stars
Detailed Description of uitable
uitable is a go library for representing data as tables for terminal applications. It provides primitives for sizing and wrapping columns to improve readability.
Example Usage
Full source code for the example is available at example/main.go
table := uitable.New()
table.MaxColWidth = 50
table.AddRow("NAME", "BIRTHDAY", "BIO")
for _, hacker := range hackers {
table.AddRow(hacker.Name, hacker.Birthday, hacker.Bio)
Will render the data as:
Ada Lovelace December 10, 1815 Ada was a British mathematician and writer, chi...
Alan Turing June 23, 1912 Alan was a British pioneering computer scientis...
For wrapping in two columns:
table = uitable.New()
table.MaxColWidth = 80
table.Wrap = true // wrap columns
for _, hacker := range hackers {
table.AddRow("Name:", hacker.Name)
table.AddRow("Birthday:", hacker.Birthday)
table.AddRow("Bio:", hacker.Bio)
table.AddRow("") // blank
Will render the data as:
Name: Ada Lovelace
Birthday: December 10, 1815
Bio: Ada was a British mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on
Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical
Name: Alan Turing
Birthday: June 23, 1912
Bio: Alan was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician,
cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist
$ go get -v github.com/gosuri/uitable