📚 xtcp - Awesome Go Library for Networking
TCP Server Framework with simultaneous full duplex communication, graceful shutdown, and custom protocol.
Detailed Description of xtcp
A TCP Server Framework with graceful shutdown,custom protocol.
Define your protocol format:
Before create server and client, you need define the protocol format first.
// Packet is the unit of data.
type Packet interface {
// Protocol use to pack/unpack Packet.
type Protocol interface {
// return the size need for pack the Packet.
PackSize(p Packet) int
// PackTo pack the Packet to w.
// The return value n is the number of bytes written;
// Any error encountered during the write is also returned.
PackTo(p Packet, w io.Writer) (int, error)
// Pack pack the Packet to new created buf.
Pack(p Packet) ([]byte, error)
// try to unpack the buf to Packet. If return len > 0, then buf[:len] will be discard.
// The following return conditions must be implement:
// (nil, 0, nil) : buf size not enough for unpack one Packet.
// (nil, len, err) : buf size enough but error encountered.
// (p, len, nil) : unpack succeed.
Unpack(buf []byte) (Packet, int, error)
Set your logger(optional):
func SetLogger(l Logger)
Note: xtcp will not output any log by default unless you implement your own logger.
Provide event handler:
In xtcp, there are some events to notify the state of net conn, you can handle them according your need:
const (
// EventAccept mean server accept a new connect.
EventAccept EventType = iota
// EventConnected mean client connected to a server.
// EventRecv mean conn recv a packet.
// EventClosed mean conn is closed.
To handle the event, just implement the OnEvent interface.
// Handler is the event callback.
// p will be nil when event is EventAccept/EventConnected/EventClosed
type Handler interface {
OnEvent(et EventType, c *Conn, p Packet)
Create server:
// 1. create protocol and handler.
// ...
// 2. create opts.
opts := xtcp.NewOpts(handler, protocol)
// 3. create server.
server := xtcp.NewServer(opts)
// 4. start.
go server.ListenAndServe("addr")
Create client:
// 1. create protocol and handler.
// ...
// 2. create opts.
opts := xtcp.NewOpts(handler, protocol)
// 3. create client.
client := NewConn(opts)
// 4. start
go client.DialAndServe("addr")
Send and recv packet.
To send data, just call the 'Send' function of Conn. You can safe call it in any goroutines.
func (c *Conn) Send(buf []byte) error
To recv a packet, implement your handler function:
func (h *myhandler) OnEvent(et EventType, c *Conn, p Packet) {
switch et {
case EventRecv:
xtcp have three stop modes, stop gracefully mean conn will stop until all cached data sended.
// StopMode define the stop mode of server and conn.
type StopMode uint8
const (
// StopImmediately mean stop directly, the cached data maybe will not send.
StopImmediately StopMode = iota
// StopGracefullyButNotWait stop and flush cached data.
// StopGracefullyAndWait stop and block until cached data sended.
The example define a protocol format which use protobuf inner. You can see how to define the protocol and how to create server and client.